Looking for a Boutique Clothing Consignment Store near Davis CA?

Shop Article Consignment Boutique For The Best In Lightly Used Clothing. Shop For Women's Fashion Now

Consignment Stores Vs Thrift Stores. Shop In A Boutique Consignment Store Near Davis CA.

Article is a used clothing and boutique consignment store in Sacramento CA. We have two stores.

The difference between consignment shops and thrift stores is sometimes tricky; consequently, many do not understand how a consignment store and a thrift store work. Knowing precisely how the two work will give you more direction on how to better strategize your shopping and maximize your time.


Abraham and Valerie Sanchez


Article Consignment

”About Consignment Stores”

Similar to regular retail stores, consignment shops handpick the items to stock. If you want to place items, you are asked to make an appointment and are generally limited on the number of items you can bring.

Consignment shops will both pay you for gently-used items as well as give you a tax credit for your donations.

Consignment stores generally have one or two target audiences, such as babies and children, ladies or furniture and home decor.

If managed well, consignment shops can be lovely to visit and shop for quality, recycled items either new or never used.

At Article Consignment we cater to Used Women’s Fashion and Used Mens Clothing

About Article Consignment Store

Our fearless owners- the innovators, logistics and beauty of the operation. With the help of their adorable, loving daughters, Julianne and Faith.

Leaving the corporate and construction worlds to follow their passions in 2009, Abe and Val combined years of experience in many industries to create a recipe for success with Article.

Creating and running this great business has been a journey full of ups and downs, but the constant devotion and determination has brought Article to where it is now.

The ever-changing economy and consumer society will always keep businesses on their toes, but the foundation that Article Consignment Boutique was built upon, is one that will stand the test of time.

And if you can’t make it by one of our two locations, shop some of our better pieces here on our website.

Whether you’re a customer looking to SAVE MONEY or a consignor looking to MAKE MONEY. Article Consignment has got you covered.

About Thrift Stores

Thrift store items are subjected to far less scrutiny because they are strictly donated; thus, you will find everything from clothing, accessories and dishes to baking utensils, books, games, furniture and more.
Thrift stores often contain some treasures but the experience is overwhelming for some because the sites are overloaded and somewhat disorderly at times.
Thrift stores are often launched to help with a charity or nonprofit organization. Prices are often very good, but remember, the quality of the item you purchase may not be as good or as long-lived as purchasing it new or from a consignment store.
Thrift stores will have a set price for most items. For example, all men’s pants might be $3.99, while all books are $1.
Items are not priced based on retail cost or brand labels. This can be wonderful if you are retail savvy and understand the costs of various brands, labels or styles.
You can find good deals at thrift stores and your money spent will go on to help others in a time of need.

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